The Front Row Blog
Meet 2022/2023 Arts Apprentice: Matthew Cibak
Our season is in full session, so we’re glad to have our apprenticeship in action! It’s a roll-call! Meet one of our three 2022/2023 Arts Apprentice, Matthew Cibak!
Tell us about yourself!
I was born in Arlington and raised in Reston, Virginia. My introduction to theatre was in an after-school program in elementary school where we put on short ten-minute plays and played drama games. But I really took it up in high school, as an alternative to band which I had done for about five years. I found a great love and appreciation for theatre, and I decided to pursue it. I graduated a Highlander Honors Scholar from Radford University with a Major in Theatre, class of 2019.
Through my experience in theatre, I have performed in multiple productions such as Fiddler on the Roof, Legally Blonde, The Scottish Play, and The Importance of Being Earnest to name a few. I have also had experience backstage as run crew and a props master. I even directed a play that I wrote called A Day at the MAT, about a fictionalized meeting between some of theatres greatest acting theorists and teachers trying to figure out what to teach a group of incoming students.
Why did you apply for the Encore apprenticeship?
In college my interest in theatre education grew. My honors requirements had me do extra assignments around my major, so I decided to make lesson plans and presentations that went beyond what we were taught in class. Which gave me the opportunity to educate my peers on a couple of different topics. My interest hasn’t gone away, and Encore felt like a good place to grow that interest into a potential career path. As well as learn even more aspects of theatre that I have not experienced yet.
What shows, classes, or skills are you looking forward to learning during your time at Encore?
Anything I possibly can. Theatre is a multi-faceted business and I’d love to be more well-rounded and knowledgeable in our field.
Can you describe your favorite theatre/performing arts experience and what made it so memorable?
It’s hard to pick, but two that I really loved were The Importance of Being Earnest and Stuart Little. For they were just very fun productions to work on as an actor. For Earnest our director was a huge Oscar Wilde fan and his enthusiasm just trickled to the rest of us. With Stuart Little, it was handled by a student who had experience in children’s theatre before and he also had a great enthusiasm that filtered to all of us in the cast. Plus, one day of Stuart Little I’ll never forget was when we were waiting backstage to go an and out of nowhere the kids started chanting Stuart’s name! To me you can’t beat experiences like that.
What’s your favorite play or musical as an audience member?
One of my favorites that I’ve seen is Anything Goes. I’ve seen a couple productions and they are always funny and a great deal of fun to see. My college did a production of it when I was a freshman and a couple years ago, I saw it at Arena Stage in D.C. and they were both exemplary.
Why do you think performing arts are important for young people?
It allows them to use their imagination which itself breeds creativity; it shows them the value of working together towards one goal and to express themselves in a creative way. Each of these reasons are all important for a young person’s development, and it allows them to break out of their shell and make friends.
What is your dream character role or dream production to work on and why?
One that I would love to play is Gabe in the Donald Margulies play Dinner With Friends. I read the play for an assignment in college, and I loved it. It’s an interesting look at the fragility of relationships and Gabe is caught in the middle trying what he can do to keep the peace between his wife Karen and their friends Tom and Beth who are separating due to Tom cheating. He struggles as he wants to keep his friend Tom despite his wife’s objections but can’t understand the mindset of someone who is perfectly fine leaving his family for another woman. When Beth and Tom move on rather quickly it makes Gabe and Karen question their own marriage in the process.
What theme day should Encore have at the office?
I can’t think of a theme day specifically, but I think at any holiday we should have a fun day or small party. Like Halloween and we dress up or Christmas we do a White Elephant gift exchange or Secret Santa. Those would be fun!
Is there anything else you’d like to share with us?
One thing I absolutely love is movies! While my passion is in theatre, I am a little bit of a cinephile and love to watch movies when I can. I am an Eagle Scout as well, getting the honor in 2015 before I graduated High School.
Finally, I am looking forward to doing everything I can at Encore to grow as a theatre professional and to work with such kind and intelligent people!