Happy #TechTuesday, everyone! Today we’re excited to chat with the lovely Bridget in this latest installment of our new “Rehearsal Bag” series. Let’s find out what keeps this CSI actor ready to go!

Hi, my name is Bridget Schaller and I go to St. Thomas More Cathedral School. This will be my third production with Encore. I am playing the role of Myrna in Encore’s production of CSI: Christmas Scene Investigators. I love participating in Encore productions, and I have learned a few things to keep handy in my rehearsal bag.
● Script-This is your key to all productions. You use it for all sorts of things besides your lines.
● Jazz Shoes-Although you don’t have to have them right away, they’re good to have in rehearsal to break in and get used to wearing them.
● Pencils-You’ll need these to take notes whether they’re in your script or notebook.
● Notebook-This isn’t a must, but it’s good to have on hand if your script is holding a lot of blocking.
● Folder or Binder-This is to hold your script so it doesn’t get wet, wrinkled, or ripped up.
● Water Bottle-The water fountains aren’t always working and this may be colder and more refreshing. This will also keep you hydrated throughout rehearsal.
● Food-Whether this is dinner or a protein bar, you’re going to need it; rehearsal can work up quite the appetite! Coming with food will keep your energy going throughout rehearsal.
● Homework and/or a Book- There won’t always be a time to do this, but if there is some downtime when you’re not on stage, you can finish your homework for the day or read a book.
● Hair Ties-While this may not apply to everybody, keep hair ties on hand because the rehearsal room can get hot and stuffy during movement or dance rehearsals.

I will also be answering some questions that are commonly asked about Encore productions:
Encore: What led you to first auditioning for Encore? How did you feel during that audition?
Bridget: I had always seen Encore productions from when I was just four years old. So when I turned nine, I knew I wanted to audition. My first audition was for The Lion King Jr. in 2017. I felt nervous but so excited and didn’t know what to expect. But I actually really enjoyed the audition. Though I didn’t make callbacks, I was still super proud of myself for auditioning! I then auditioned for Pinocchio and made callbacks but, still not the show. That same year, I auditioned for Jingle ARRGH the Way! and made the show! I played the role of Swill the Pirate.

Encore: What’s your favorite Encore memory?
Bridget: My favorite Encore memory was during the first weekend of Robin Hood. It was a Saturday and the cast was eating lunch in between the two shows. I was talking with Xander Tilock and we were discussing our characters. He played the role of Robin Hood and I was playing King Richard. Xander told me he played a King in one of his prior Encore shows, The Night at the Wax Museum. Then he just started calling me Richie and the name stuck. He’s been calling me Richie ever since! And it always makes me laugh.

Encore: What’s been the best part of rehearsal during CSI so far?
Bridget: The best part about rehearsals during CSI is discovering our characters. My amazing director A.K. Nell has helped us really develop who we play. Since our production will be in the Black Box at Gunston we also get to work on levels that go along with our character. For example, the Clue Club is on the ground a lot looking for clues or evidence.
Encore: Why should people come to see CSI: Christmas Scene Investigators?
Bridget: People should come see CSI because it really expresses people in reality. All our characters are average day high schoolers that each has their own special personality. It ties in the Christmas spirit so well with school and after school activities. It’s fun for little kids, big kids, and adults! I mean, who doesn’t love seeing Good Ol’ Saint Nick?

Thanks for sharing, Bridget! Be sure to purchase your tickets to catch Bridget and the of the hilarious cast of CSI: Christmas Scene Investigators – this festive show will be performing in Gunston Arts Center’s black box, Theatre Two, so seating is limited!

Photos by Larry McClemons, Aileen Pangan Christian, and Cindy Kane Photography.
Graphic design by Aimee Pangan and Aileen Pangan Christian.
Blog contribution by Shannon McCarthy.