Welcome back to The Front Row, Encore fans! I hope that everyone is enjoying the holiday season with family and friends. The Encore offices remain closed until January 2nd, 2020, but I wanted to drop in to remind you all of some of the wonderful goings-on that were featured on the blog this year. Grab a mug of cocoa and enjoy this look back at some of the highlights of 2019:

1) 7 Terrific Reasons to Come to Tech Camp This Summer
I love featuring aspects of Encore’s programming that may not always find the spotlight. This look at Encore’s summer Tech Camps is timely once again, as registration for Summer 2020 opens on December 30th!

2) 7 Reasons to Make Headlines in Newsies
I personally love the summer production, having participated as an actor these past three summers. This blog feature was particularly fun because I got to dive into some of the history of the real-life newies. Keep an eye out for more summer-related content in the new year and mark your calendars for West Side Story auditions on May 11th & 12nd, 2020.
3) Turning the Tables: Isabel and Rebecca
It’s always fantastic when members of our staff have the opportunity to directly share their experiences with students. As the blog editor, I love to learn more about both our participants and our awesome staff. Check this one out if you’re interested in learning more about Rebecca and the field of production management!

4) Encore’s Real-life Superheroes
I have the great fortune to work alongside and learn from a whole team of theatre professionals that make coming to work each day a blast. If you missed this post when it first went up on the blog, definitely check it out to gain some wisdom in the new year! Searching for your next endeavor? Join our team!

5) Thank You from Executive Director Sara Duke
Spring of 2019 was full of some serious questions for Encore and the rest of the Arlington arts community. Proposed budget cuts threatened many of the resources that we depend upon to produce the shows that we love so much. Luckily, our community rallied together to make the #ARLSaveOurStage movement a success. Thank you again!
6) 7 Sunny Highlights from 2019’s Benefit Breakfast
The Benefit Breakfast is always a greatly anticipated event for those of us working in the Encore offices. There’s a buzz of excitement leading up to the event every year. It’s a joy to spend time with our Encore family, hear from volunteers, and view excellent performances from our talented participants.
7) #TechTuesday with Scenes for Tween’s Seth Rosenke
Our students love to work with Mr. Seth, so I was happy to have him on The Front Row for an interview. As the Camp Director for Scenes for Tweens (ages 8-12), Seth oversees week after week of amazing summer programming. Check out his interview while you bide time before registration for Summer 2020 opens on December 30th!

8) The Parents Speak: Encore Education
We love receiving feedback! The only thing we love more is probably sharing positive feedback with all of you, our followers. We are proud to brag on our talented participants, engaged teaching artists, and professional staff any day.
9) A Pre-K Q&A w/ Madaline Langston
In 2019 we debuted a brand-new summer camp program, created especially with young learners in mind. We’re pumped to bring back our camp for Ages 3-5 this summer as well, so registered on December 30th to join us!

10) Encore Named #OneOfTheBest by Catalogue for Philanthrophy
It was (and continues to be) a true honor to be included in the 2019/2020 Catalogue for Philanthropy under such a prestigious designation. We’re grateful for all of the support, resources, and advocacy that the Catalogue continues to provide to non-profits such as Encore Stage & Studio year in and year out.
11) 5 Life Skills Children Cultivate in the Performing Arts
As a product of arts education myself, I always relish the opportunity to showcase the benefits that spending time and around the arts can have for young people (and adults as well!).

12) “An Exercise in Courage” with Emma Kiely-Hampson
Here’s a glimpse behind the curtain for you blog readers: Emma and I are best friends from college, so I was thrilled when she finally came out to audition for an Encore show after supporting me from the audience for the last few years. I loved her insight into the rehearsal and audition processes and was thrilled to share my sweet friend’s interview with all of you!
13) From the Cast: A Newsies Rehearsal Update
The passion and enthusiasm of the Newsies cast this summer was utterly infectious and perfect for sharing. I love when we’re able to draw back the curtain and share some of the behind-the-scenes elements of a production, and the summer show is just perfect for doing so.

14) The Parents Speak: #EncoreSummer
The Encore community had an amazing summer in 2019! Not only did we debut two brand-new camp programs to serve additional age groups, but we also mentored dozens of camp aides and interns, produced several camp productions, and shared the magic of theatre with hundreds of young people. Let’s get ready to do it all again!

15) Delving Deeper with Patrick McGee
After witnessing his excellent work in both the classroom and rehearsal space, we were thrilled to welcome Mr. Patrick McGee to Encore’s full-time staff. I personally appreciate his teaching mentality and outlook; it was a pleasure to share his interview with Encore readers.

16) Audition Advice Round-Up
As an editor, I aim to make The Front Row blog a resource for students, parents, teachers, and beyond. Auditions can be stressful for even more experienced performers (guilty!), so I wanted to share the wealth of advice we’ve accumulated over the years to share with all of you!

17) Season of Giving Resource Guide
One of my favorite parts of working in Marketing is getting to assist and facilitate projects in all other departments of the organization. I’m personally proud of this guide, as it can act as a quick and easy resource during this busy season for Development.
18) Capturing Magic with Cindy Kane
Cindy’s photographs have honestly been such a meaningful and significant contribution to Encore’s marketing efforts. It was wonderful to sit down with her and learn more about her process. A definite must-read!
19) An Attitude of Gratitude
It’s always super enjoyable to check in with our staff and hear from them, especially during the happiness of the holiday season!

20) Alumni Friendship Going Strong: “A Decade and Counting”
We love hearing from our Encore alums and finding out what they’re up to. This month brought us a special BFF double dose of Encore friendship. Heart-warming enough to get you through even the coldest winter day.

Thank you for another wonderful year here on The Front Row blog. I’m excited to share the classes, camps, productions, and more that await us in the next decade!
P.S. Be sure to join us on Monday, December 30th, 2019 for the opening of Summer Camp Registration!
Photos by Aileen Pangan Christian, Connie Polnow, and Cindy Kane Photography. Blog contribution by Shannon McCarthy. Edited by Parker Nelson (links are a work in progress).