three musketeers, on stage, old time costumes, princess, pirate, prince, dark, scene

The Lady Returns: Alum Maggie Keane on Musketeers

Happy #FrontRowFriday and opening night to Encore’s production of The Three Musketeers! Today you’re in for a double treat: 1) A wonderful opening night performance (Go get your tickets!) and 2) A throwback interview with the original Milady de Winter from Encore’s 2015 production of Musketeers. With warm Encore memories, insider-peeks behind the curtain, and more, this Friday installment is one you won’t want to miss!

Encore: Please introduce yourself. What are you up to now (classes, jobs, projects, shows, etc)?

Maggie: Hi! My name is Maggie Keane. I am a 20-year-old sophomore at Santa Clara University in Santa Clara, CA (right outside San Jose, and just south of San Francisco). I am a Theatre and Communications double major with an emphasis in Journalism. I participated in 14 (I think? Maybe 15 or 16?) Encore productions between sixth and ninth grade. Since then, I was in two Signature in the Schools plays my junior and senior year of high school and have been in three shows as a lead at SCU so far. The fourth show I’ve been cast in here, Dry Powder by Sarah Burgess, opens tomorrow night actually! This is why I, unfortunately, cannot attend Encore’s current production of The Three Musketeers.

Encore: What was your most memorable moment at Encore?

Maggie: Most memorable moment? Tough to recall because there are so many. I always loved the break time between the two Saturday shows when the entire cast and crew would get up on stage, turn off all of the lights and dance like crazy to “Sandstorm.” The “big” kids–who I greatly looked up to– would always lead us. It was so much fun and a great way to bond and get out our energy.

I also remember getting cast as Princess Briar Rose in Sleeping Beauty when I was in seventh grade. I was absolutely ecstatic because not only was it my first lead role ever, but Sleeping Beauty has always been my favorite princess. (I also had my very first kiss in that show so how could I forget that? Hahahaha.)

I always looked forward to the cast parties at The Silver Diner after each closing performance. Again, it was a great way to bond with everyone in the production and celebrate our hard work.

Encore: Which skills or lessons did you take away from your time at Encore?

Maggie: Encore taught me a lot. I didn’t go to the same middle school as all of my elementary school friends, so the beginning of sixth grade was a rocky transition. Luckily, I got cast in an Encore show that same year which gave me a wonderful safe space and creative outlet where the inevitable stresses of middle school no longer seemed to matter. Encore allowed me to become friends with some really wonderful, unique, caring, and talented people of all ages. Encore gave me the opportunity to form strong bonds with people I otherwise would likely have never met. Encore helped me learn how to become comfortable in my own skin, which is something that is especially difficult in middle and high school. I had been in one or two shows during elementary school, but Encore was pretty much my first real experience with theatre. Encore laid all the theatre groundwork that allowed and encouraged me to continue to pursue theatre. It was through performing and working backstage at Encore that I developed such a strong passion for theatre and performing. Theatre is such a blessing in my life, and I owe the discovery of that blessing to Encore.

Kristen & Marji Jepperson

Encore: Were there any Encore staff members who particularly resonated with you?

Maggie: Every staff member at Encore was always incredibly friendly, understanding, and supportive. But Marji Jepperson and Susan Keady stand out in my mind most. Marji was my first director at Encore. She was so sweet and patient with me as it was my first show and I didn’t really know what I was doing. I remember her incredible, very detailed props and how giddy she got about each one. She always made shirts for each show, too, and she’d wear them so proudly. She was the type of woman whose smile made everyone around her smile too. I was so heartbroken to hear she passed away.

Susan Keady

Susan taught me a lot about acting. She really treated all of us like professionals yet also as her friends. She is so unbelievably strong, talented, and such a hard worker. I really really look up to her.

Copyright Larry McClemons

Encore: You played Milady de Winter in our 2015 world premiere production of The Three Musketeers. What was that experience like?

Maggie: Playing Milady de Winter was a blast. I had never played an evil character until that point, so I was so thrilled to get that part. I remember the role and the show as a whole was a lot of work. It was a big cast; there were fight scenes and a lot of lines, and it was a comedy but there was also plenty of drama. But, it was so worth it because I learned so much. I feel like I really grew my acting skills in that show. I was so lucky that a bunch of my friends were in the production with me, and I made a bunch of new ones as well.

Copyright Larry McClemons

Encore: What were challenges or your favorite lines from the show?

Maggie: A challenge was playing someone evil. Again, before that I had only played “nice” roles. So, I had to be OK with scaring audiences or audience members not liking my character. But, I realized if that was the case then that meant I was doing a good job. I don’t remember a ton of the lines, but I do remember Act l closed with me center stage, grabbing the hair of a much younger cast member, glaring at the audience saying “I will destroy them all.” I felt so powerful with that line.

Copyright Larry McClemons

Encore: Any words and wishes to share to our 2020 Three Musketeers cast and crew?

Maggie: Have fun! You all are so lucky to be a part of an original show. Since it hasn’t been done many times before, that means you have the opportunity to create the characters yourselves. The show is really special, so enjoy it. If you enjoy yourselves up there, then the audience will enjoy themselves too. You’re all going to be amazing, I wish I could come see it. Break legs! 🙂

Copyright Larry McClemons

Many thanks to Maggie for taking time out of her own tech week to share her memories and reflections with readers of The Front Row. Come share her well wishes with the cast and crew of The Three Musketeers, opening tonight!

Performance Dates and Showtimes:

Fridays, February 28 and March 6, 2020 at 7:30pm
Saturdays, February 29 and March 7, 2020 at 11am and 3pm
Sundays, March 1 and 8, 2020 at 3pm

Photos by Larry McClemons and Aileen Pangan Christian.
Blog contribution by Aileen Pangan Christian.
Edited by Shannon McCarthy.