Encore Stage & Studio
Star Awards
Star Award Recipients
Since 1993, Encore Stage & Studio has been awarding STAR AWARDS to actors who have shown extraordinary dedication and ability. As of the 2016/2017 season, recipients must have participated in at least eight Encore Stage & Studio productions: two onstage, two backstage on tech crew, three in either capacity and one front of house crew.
Abigail Houle
Alex Valencic
Beatrice Misch
Darcy Warmerdam
Harper Warmerdam
Henry Phoel
India Warmerdam
Juliette Kane
Kate Davis
Katie Hearne
Maddy Sadler
Radhika Bhatnagar
Sarah McBurney
Riley Dennis and India Warmerdam
Aidan Pritchard
Erik Fagerstrom
Gabby Wilson
Henry Gould
Jacob Fridman
Juli Walitt
Kira Kettler
Reagan Holland
Samantha Grooms
Matthew Bloss-Baum
Jacob Bowen-Glazeroff
Riley Dennis
Nyla Elder
Jordan Funk
Bryce Gastelum
Lindsey Gradowski
Sebastian Ramthun
Sam Regardie
Declan Roberts
Brian Tatum
Crewton of the Year 2023:
Jack Plotz
Sam Regardie
Oliver Meek
Xander Tilock
Isabel Dines
Henry Hubbard
Caitlyn Knittig
Hannah Knittig
Kelly McArdle
Ella McHugh
Ian Onufrak
Joshua Ramthun
Mia Randers-Pehrson
Liam Clancy
Holly Durham
Samuel Kopylev
Jessica Layton
Annie Wood
Sarah Strunk
Nicholas Boone
James Brady
Abi Burkholder
Kerstin Fagerstrom
Liliana Gallegos
Emily Kile
Zach Longsworth
Brian Metcalf
Brandi Moore
Isabel Tate
Topher Wagner
Annika Fagerstrom
Malena Davis
Maggie Keane
Colin Meek
Erin Poplin
GG Richmond
Thomas Schindler
Thomas Boudreaux
Sam Barrett
Kaitlyn Beckwith
Sophia Kingsley
Katrina Klein
Ana McMenamin
Sarah Conrad
Carly Greenfield
Olivia Hammermaster
Mike Holland
Matt Heap
Samantha Morley
Gina Lodato Pelusi
Shannon Redifer
Connor Stapp
Sarah Strunk
Laura Wade
Madeleine Wade
Sean Willner
Hayden Camp
Sarah Fahrenkrug
Reiss Gidner
Anna Kashmanian
Julie Kashmanian
Caroline Meek
Faith Palmer
Nicole Redifer
Natalie Reich
Samantha Rollin
Sydney J. Rosen
Morgan Shotwell
Katie Ward
Jacob White
Caroline Virginia Culberson
Sean Gilley
Kianna Gryloo
Abby Huston
Nora Huston
Perry Kaufman
Thomas Kelty
Andrew Ruhnke
Kathryn Elizabeth Young
Claire Comey
Rourke Donahue
Allison Hahn
Walter Lohmann
Olivia Tate
Claire Yenson
Kate Zurowsk
Heather Courtenay
Stuary deButts
Hayley Alison Egart
Mikaela Kane
Samantha Kobor
Matthew Rosenberg
Christine Schindler
William Beech
Alexandra Jones
Jackson Langevoort
Collin Leibold
Macon Mann
Nora Walls
John Ponder White
Kelly Willner
Carson Jean Bendel
Pat Dwyer
Olivia Krout
Eileen Sugameli
Matt Welborn
Brynn Deakins
Eric Gore
Mary Kobor
Megan Krout
Caitlin Levine
Morgan Sendek
Alexandra Staeben
Jim Upkike
Bennett Walls
Susan Hoff
Katie Rosenberg
Catherine Tribone
Sam Updike
Joe Barbee
Matt Bell
Taylor Demeter
Alex Klein
Annie Mosher
Valerie Cardinal
Ben Cooper
Louisa DeButts
Katie Morgans
John Paul Mohler
Katie Denoble
Jennifer Lynch
Zach Pilchen
Katie Roberts
Miriam Cross-Cole
Kelsey Linebaugh
Melinda Diachenko
Brandyn Diachenko
Samantha Hammer
Katy Fetsch
Ginny Mohler
Murphy Hoopes
Andrew Tonken
Jessica Uze
Barrett Hunter
Montie Martin
Virginia Mineheart
Will Cooper
Alice Harman
Cat Demerode
Jimmy Keady
Julia Moon
Peter Bell-Laresche
Rachel Eisley
Shannon Hynes
Stephanie Lynch
Andy Lyons
Eric Schwartz
Ethan Stern
JaNesse Duarte
Wyatt Fenner
Scott Johnson
Jolie Olivetti
Dan Tuttle
Alyssa Montooth
Sarah Girovasi
Jody Flader
Tait Johnson
Philip Racz
Kathleen Rooney
Jennifer Scully
Naomi Uyama
Dave Rooney
Reed Griffith
Elizabeth Hynes
Emily Schellstrate
Stephen Bender
Nick Racz
Christine Anderson
Jessie Brown-White
Sarah Casey
Laura Demarco
Julie Fisher
Cathie Gayer
Jennette Gayer
Brian Horne
Brendan Hynes
Rachel Hynes
Farrell Kelly
Justine Marlow
Nina Millin
Laura Moody
John Mortenson
Elsa Olivetti
Lisa Penning
Lauri Rowley
Saj Sosseh
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