Happy #FrontRowFriday, Encore fans! We’ve got a special treat for you today. Two of our awesome Encore alums reconnected with us to chat about favorite show memories, lasting friendships, and the power of theatre. Please welcome Lauren Monsivaiz and Olivia Hammermaster!

How did you meet?
Our families moved into a new neighborhood at the same time. As the only kids above the age of six, our parents wanted us to meet! Our families went out for pizza one night and we’ve been hanging out ever since…even though we were two grades apart, we became fast friends and went on countless adventures together; whether it was to the small church up the road or (when we could drive) all the way to our favorite shake place, Z Burger.

What Encore shows were you involved in together?
We started our Encore journey together in the Robin Hood cast. Since then, we were in The Magical Lamp of Aladdin, The Hobbit, Big Bad, and Legally Blonde; mostly in the cast and sometimes in the crew. We also participated in Show Choir together!

What’s your favorite Encore memory together?
We both moved around a lot growing up and didn’t always feel like we had roots or stability in our lives. During Robin Hood, we got so close with our castmates that it instantly felt like home. There are so many pictures of us sprawled onstage with some of our close friends, talking and laughing and just feeling like we found a place we belonged. It’s hard to describe, but some of our favorite memories come from these moments between shows. Since we were neighbors, we also carpooled to and from rehearsals and shows! This sometimes included other friends, but we spent so much of that time talking about anything and everything, while still belting it out to show tunes…our moms really appreciated every mini car performance, I’m sure.

Post-Encore and undergrad life, where are you now and what are you up to? What are you currently working on these days?
Lauren: After graduating with a degree in Theatre Arts and English at Texas A&M, I worked at Walt Disney World on their college program for a semester. I got to be a character attendant based in the Magic Kingdom and it was such an amazing opportunity; I learned so much about myself, the company, and the beloved characters I grew up watching. Then I got engaged! I moved back to the Houston area and worked as a substitute teacher for a bit, and now I’m a fulltime nanny (and wife!). I hope to one day become involved in the children’s community theatre in my area- that will always be a huge passion of mine, and hopefully one day I can impact kids and teens the way Encore influenced me!
Olivia: I attended Florida State University and graduated with my Bachelor’s in Psychology and English with a focus in creative writing. I then moved to the Seattle area and am currently working in an adolescent inpatient psychiatric facility. I’m thinking about going back to school for a master’s degree, but I don’t know what for just yet. I’m also pursuing writing and have hopes to be a published author someday!

Congratulations to Lauren on your marriage Lauren, what was Olivia’s role in the wedding party and how did it feel to have your friends there by your side? Olivia, how was it like to be there for your friend on her big day?
Lauren: Thank you!! Liv got to be my maid of honor, which was so wonderful and exciting. Even though she had no experience being in a wedding party before, she took it in full stride and was beyond helpful, fun, and encouraging. Out of all the girls there besides my sisters, Olivia was my oldest friend. That was so special to me because I grew up moving (and changing friends) every couple of years. Olivia and I managed to stay friends for over a decade and counting, and best friends at that! She’s always been the kind of friend that supports and loves you unconditionally, but still keeps you grounded and humble. I love that about her.
Olivia: It was a wild ride! None of my other close friends are married yet, so it was really beautiful (and emotional) for my first friend getting married to be my best. I used Lauren’s wedding as an excuse to avoid school. It’s a little ridiculous how often I was on Pinterest during class…! I was so honored that Lauren asked me to be her maid of honor and I wanted to really dive into it and do everything I could to give Lauren her fairytale wedding.

Other than your amazing friendship, how has theatre and Encore impacted you today?
Lauren: Encore had a huge influence on my confidence. I was also involved with the theatre and choir programs at my school, but that truly doesn’t compare with the constant growth and education I received at Encore. All of our directors were wonderful, but some who truly stood out to both Olivia and I are Susan Keady, Doug Ullman Jr, and Kelsey Meiklejohn (now Bowen!). They are some of the many adults who inspired me. I learned an insane amount from each of them, skills and knowledge I still use to this day. From stage presence and projecting, to learning how to stand still and communicate with more than just words.
Oliva: I owe so much to Encore. I was in a pretty dark place when I was involved in this theatre and it was my saving grace. It gave me confidence, a network of friends and mentors, and something to look forward to. As Lauren said, I learned so much from Susan Keady and others that I worked with over the years. And I’m really good at public speaking now!

What do you enjoy doing together and how do you both keep in touch?
We text constantly and find ways to keep each other up to date. For example, since we live in different time zones and have busy schedules, one thing we’ve learned that works is sending each other voice messages. We don’t always have time to call, so we leave long audio recordings for the other to listen to and then respond with another. We FaceTimed to answer these questions together! We also definitely utilize Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram when it comes to random moments, funny memes, or old memories that pop up! We both have TimeHop installed, so we often send each other embarrassing moments from many years ago!

Many huge thanks to Olivia and Lauren for sharing your wonderful friendship story with us! Congratulations on all of your accomplishments and the best of luck in all your future endeavors. We can’t wait to have you back on The Front Row and hear all about it!

Encore is where friendships are born. In the green room as a cast member, in the booth as a member of the crew, in skits as a front of house team, and…in the audience:
– Encore alums, get the band back together and join us for an Alumni night at our latest production, CSI: Christmas Scene Investigators, which opens tonight!
– New to Encore? What better way to bond than a group trip to the theatre! With a group of 10 or more patrons, you’ll access our group rate of just $9 per ticket.
It’s no mystery: CSI is going to be a blast for everyone. We can’t wait to see your reunions and new memories, all at one show (be sure to tag us – @encorearlington)!
Wedding photos by Anne Canon Photography (@annecanon on Instagram). Additional photos contributed by the Monsivaiz family. Blog contribution by Aileen Pangan Christian. Edited by Shannon McCarthy.