Encore Stage & Studio

Staff and Board

The Encore Team


Executive Director - Sara Strehle Duke
Development Director - Kelley O'Dell
Director of Marketing and Design - Aileen Pangan Christian
Finance Director - Maureen Bouda
Operations Manager- Marguerite Williams 

Marketing and Development Coordinator - Emma Crawford

Board of Directors 2024/2025

President - Cassandra Hanley
Vice President - Claire Wade
Treasurer - Cathie Fagerstrom
Secretary - Robyn Gearey
Arica Allen
Tracey Davis
Anne Gable
Brittany Hodge
Laura London
Megan Lynch
Johanna Maldonado

Daniel Meloy
Paris Ratliff Sorrell
Lisa Sullivan
Jim Tibbs
Ian Warthin
Kenneth Woodrow


Director of Programming - Madaline Langston
Teaching Artists: Malachi Alexander, Raquel Jennings, Jadion Jones, Theresa Molina-Slaiman, Aimee Pangan, Seth Rosenke
Production Manager - Cleo Potter
Technical Director - Kristen Jepperson
Costume Designer - Debra Leonard
Composer - Matthew Heap
Sound and Lighting Consultant - Kevin Curry
Production Directors, Music Directors, Choreographers and Playwrights: Lynne Childress, James Clancy, Madeline Dunn, Caren Hearne, Emily “EJ” Jones, Susan Keady, Alisa Kingsbury, Daniel J. Smith
Artistic Director Emeritus - Susan Keady
Executive Producer Emeritus - Celeste Groves

2025 Apprentices

Parker Nelson
Mery Estrella

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