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Season of Giving Resource Guide

By whichever metric you use (the Starbucks holiday menu, the passing of Halloween, etc.), the holiday season is officially upon us. For many of us, these coming months will be a whirlwind of festivities, delicious food, and, most importantly, special times with family and friends. For me, an additional joy can be found in taking a moment to pause and reflect on the organizations that have impacted me and my journey. If you also prioritize charitable giving here at the end of the calendar year, we hope you will consider Encore as a new home for your donation. I’ve created a handy guide for all the ways you can contribute to “Theatre by kids, for kids” this holiday season, some of which may surprise you!

1) Take Encore to Dinner
Join us at 4520 Lee Highway in Arlington on Tuesday, November 12th from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm for our 2019 Chipotle fundraiser! Bring in this flyer, show it on your smartphone or tell the cashier you’re supporting the cause to make sure that 33% of the proceeds of your purchase will be donated to Encore Stage & Studio. You’ll feel great, heading to rehearsal with a stomach full of delicious food and a heart full of love for “Theatre by kids, for kids.”

2) Give Us a Ride
If you have a vehicle or used electronics that you’d like taken off your hands, CauseNetwork will accept your donations and benefit Encore along the way. CauseNetwork will handle the pick-up, evaluation, and resale of your items, donating any profits back to Encore. You get to head into the holidays with a nice clean home (or driveway), knowing that you’ve helped spread the magic of theatre to new children through Encore’s numerous classes, camps, and outreach programs.

3) Put a Smile On Our Faces
For the early birds that are aiming to get their holiday shopping completed this month, be sure to shop through Amazon Smile. Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice – Encore Stage & Studio, of course! Get those holiday deals and maybe even a little something extra from Encore’s Amazon wishlist…

4) CF-See If Your Employer Will Join You
The Combined Federal Campaign is a wonderful way to encourage charitable giving in the workplace. “The mission of the CFC is to promote and support philanthropy through a program that is employee-focused, cost-efficient, and effective in providing Federal employees the opportunity to improve the quality of life for all.” Encourage your coworkers and community members to explore Encore’s wealth of programming to make holiday memories and find their best fit.

5) Join the Encore Family
We are always happy to welcome new students, participants, families, and volunteers. Do you have a specialized skill that you’d like to share? We’d love to hear about it! Please email info@encorestage.org to share about your talent/skillset and we’ll be in touch. In the past, family members have donated photography, sound design, delicious treats, and more!

6) Take a Trip to the Theatre
Did you know that you can donate to Encore when you purchase tickets? When purchasing online, you can opt for a ticket add-on donation of any amount of your choosing. It’s quick, easy, and paired with a wonderful theatre experience for you and your whole family.

7) Join the Movement
Every year, thousands of people from over 150 countries come together to honor their favorite non-profit organizations during the rush and hustle of the holiday season. Giving Tuesday is a fantastic way to share your love of “Theatre by kids, for kids” with your family, friends, and local community. This year, as one of 2019’s #OneOfTheBest non-profits, Encore will be participating in Giving Tuesday through the Catalogue for Philanthropy: Greater Washington.

This year’s platform puts the power of fundraising in your hands. As a member of our family, you can start a fundraiser on Encore’s behalf through GiveLikeALocal. Create a page, join our team, set a fundraising goal, then tell your story! Share why Encore is important to you, your favorite memories, the impact of participating in theatre has had on your life, and more. This is your chance to share your Encore story. We can’t wait to hear all that you have to say, so mark your calendars for Giving Tuesday, December 3rd, 2019.

Photos by Aileen Pangan Christian, Larry McClemons, and Cindy Kane Photography.
Blog contribution by Shannon McCarthy.

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