The Front Row Blog
We love seeing Encore alumni return in various roles, so we’re more than excited to introduce to our 2023/2024 Arts Apprentice Shannon Rodgers! Formally a duchess in a memorable 2015 Encore production, learn about this unique Encore journey (Shannon’s version).

Tell us about yourself!
My name is Shannon! I’m from Falls Church, Virginia. I studied Theater Performance at George Mason University’s School of Theater. (Go Mason Players!)

What made your decision to apply for the Encore apprenticeship?
I always think fondly of my time as a part of Encore when I was in Middle School. I was always so excited to see my friends perform in Encore’s productions, so much so that I decided to audition myself when I was 14. I was a part of the 2015 cast of Alice in Wonderland. I remember how I was so impressed that I could make friends with so many kids from so many different schools. Community theaters like Encore shaped my childhood development and I’m passionate about what children’s theater does for young people’s approach to the real world.
I remember it was my first experience with a wig and crazy stage makeup. I played the Duchess. She doesn’t exist in the Disney movie, but it was a blast to have such a quirky role that I’d never seen anything about before. I also made a lot of friends through that cast experience that I stuck with for a while after the show was over.
What shows, classes, or skills are you looking forward to learning during your time at Encore?
I’m so excited to have involvement with the production side of children’s theater. I’ve always loved the process of building a show and I’m excited to have the opportunity to work with the kids at Encore through that journey. I’m also looking forward to seeing kids grow in their acting and movement skills.
Can you describe your favorite theatre/performing arts experience and what made it so memorable?
When I was in high school I did a production of Urinetown directed by Shawn Northrip. This show really grew my love for ensemble work. I was a part of the ‘poor ensemble’ as ‘Becky Two Shoes.’ It was just so fun to build background stories and funny improved bits throughout the show. I made some super solid friendships through that cast experience as well. It was also this musical that sparked my interest in growing my dance skills. I had never been a dancer before, but almost every single song I was in, was a huge dance number. I had the best time putting in the time and effort to nail those routines. I think musical ensembles are an amazing growing opportunity, and an unforgettable experience.
What’s your favorite play or musical as an audience member?
This is such a hard question because every show has a different and specific impact. If I had to choose right now I would say ‘John Proctor is the Villain’ by Kimberly Belflower. I had worked a lot on that play in college; acting/studying the characters, directing scenes, and mock-designing it. In 2022, Studio Theater produced its world premiere and I just fell in love with the characters even more. It’s such an important piece that puts a real world twist on the classic Crucible. I laughed, and cried, and felt inspired. It was staged in-the-round as well, which adds so much life to the way the audience perceives the characters. Anyway, I just love that show and how Studio presented it.
Why do you think performing arts are important for young people?
As a young person who prided herself on her involvement in the arts, I was not as confident as you would think. I was definitely a shy kid. I would act at community theaters and avoid acting in school because I was scared or insecure. By the time I reached high school I had grown so much through children’s theater programs that I felt super capable in my acting abilities. I had a great high school theater life which inspired me to pursue it professionally. Children’s theater is not only important for those shy kids that also love to act, but it’s very important for kids’ self expression and empathy. It does wonders for childhood development no matter what field they grow up to pursue. Funnily enough, It also just helps with those dreaded presentation projects every class for the rest of your life will make you do. Do theater!

What is your dream character role or dream production to work on and why?
When I was 13 I was in a production of Midsummer Night’s Dream and I played Bottom. I was really good at playing absurd and funny characters, you could say. But now as a 22 year old, I would love a shot at playing Hermia or Helena. I love Midsummer Night’s Dream.
What theme day should Encore have at the office?
Definitely a Barbie day. Pink or Mojo Dojo Casa House. (I loved the movie) Everyone must address each other as “Hey Barbie,” “Hey Ken,” or “Hey Alan!”
Is there anything else you’d like to share with us?
While I’m excited to help the kids grow this year, I’m also very grateful for the growth that Encore will guide me with. I know they helped me grow when I was 14, I’m sure they’ll still help me grow as a 22 year old.
We’re so glad to have Shannon on the admin team this year!