Rapunzel Performance

Thomas Jefferson Community Theatre 125 S. Old Glebe Road, Arlington

When Rene Schwartzbuckle spots rapunzel, a turnip-like vegetable, in Witch Izwitch's garden, she sends her husband Walt out to 'borrow' some. Using her diabolical henchmen, the Glumpwarts, Witch Izwitch terrorizes Walt into promising her his first-born child in exchange for his freedom. Jumping ahead to Rapunzel Schwartzbuckle's 18th birthday, the witch and her henchmen show […]


Rapunzel Performance

Thomas Jefferson Community Theatre 125 S. Old Glebe Road, Arlington

When Rene Schwartzbuckle spots rapunzel, a turnip-like vegetable, in Witch Izwitch's garden, she sends her husband Walt out to 'borrow' some. Using her diabolical henchmen, the Glumpwarts, Witch Izwitch terrorizes Walt into promising her his first-born child in exchange for his freedom. Jumping ahead to Rapunzel Schwartzbuckle's 18th birthday, the witch and her henchmen show […]
