on stage, car, scene, audience, camp, improv, watching

Choose Your Improv Era

Join us for all the laughs in our improv and comedy programs. Perfect your comedy skills and learn the secret ingredient… timing!

July 14-18, 2025: Summer Stooges (Ages 9-12)

Do you love to laugh? Join Encore for a hilarious journey as we explore physical comedy, clowning, and more. You’ll be sure to leave any audience in stitches with the comedic antics you’ll learn in this side-splitting session. Camp concludes with a Final Share for family on the last day of camp.

Time: 10:00 am-4:00 pm | Extended hours available 8:30am – 10:00am, 4:00pm – 5:30pm

Location: Kenmore Middle School (200 S Carlin Springs Rd, Arlington, VA 22204)*

Price: $425 Early Bird Deal | $450 After January 31st

“[My student] told us all about story development. She loved the opportunity to be creative!.” – Parent Review

July 21-25, 2025: Commedia Dell’Arte and Mask Work (Ages 9-12)

Grab your Il Dottore mask and learn about the tradition of Commedia dell’Arte, the world’s oldest type of professional theatre! Actors will gain an appreciation for the stock comedic characters that have influenced beloved figures through the ages, work on exaggerated physical movements, and develop an understanding of the history of comedic theatre. Camp concludes with a Final Share for family on the last day.

Time: 10:00 am-4:00 pm | Extended hours available 8:30am – 10:00am, 4:00pm – 5:30pm

Location: Kenmore Middle School (200 S Carlin Springs Rd, Arlington, VA 22204)*

Price: $425 Early Bird Deal | $450 After January 31st

August 4-8, 2025: Scene Stealers (Ages 9-12)

Are you ready for hilarity, silliness, and a whole new style of theatre? Yes, and? The fun doesn’t stop during this week-long improvised comedy intensive. Develop characters, set the scene, and write your own story…all on the spot. Whether you’re completely new to improv or a seasoned comedy lover, every camp comes to life in brand new ways!

Time: 10:00 am-4:00 pm | Extended hours available 8:30am – 10:00am

Location: Clarendon Presbyterian Church (1305 N Jackson St, Arlington, VA 22201)

Price: $425 Early Bird Deal | $450 After January 31st

“[My student’s favorite part was] all the improv games and coming up with skits. They love the chance to be creative and lean into their tween weirdness with other creative tween weirdos.” – Parent Review

August 18-22 2025: Live From Encore! (Ages 9-12)

Close out your summer with a load of laughs and a round of applause! Team up with your fellow campers to create hilarious sketches using long-form improvisation techniques you’ll learn from our professional teaching artists. Remind me: whose line is it, anyway?

Time: 10:00 am-4:00 pm | Extended hours available 8:30am – 10:00am, 4:00pm – 5:30pm

Location: Clarendon Presbyterian Church (1305 N Jackson St, Arlington, VA 22201)

Price: $425 Early Bird Deal | $450 After January 31st

June 17-June 28, 2025: Stage Door The Great Cellphone Catastrophe (Ages 12-15)

This delightfully absurd play introduces us to some likable, goofy high school students who must live — briefly at least — without their omnipresent cell phones.Nerd Stevie is frustrated that Stella, the girl of his dreams and the leader of the Cool Kids, won’t acknowledge him, so he devises a way to disable all the cell phones in town. With no phones, everyone must — gasp! — talk to one another. Utilizing projections, sound effects, and video, a funny and randomly weird adventure ensues. The Cool Kids try to solve the cell phone mystery, while Stevie and the other Nerds cluelessly try to prevent them from learning the truth. Along the way they encounter wild animals at a suburban park, hostile squirrels, a trio of Fosse dancers, singing Puritans, touchy beat poets, and a chicken on the lam. No Camp July 4.

Time: 10:00 am-4:00 pm | Extended hours available 8:30am – 10:00am, 4:00pm – 5:30pm

Location: Kenmore Middle School (200 S Carlin Springs Rd, Arlington, VA 22204)*

Price: $770 Early Bird Deal | $815 After January 31st

“[My student loved] learning all about tech/working backstage with the team.” – Parent Review

July 21-August 1, 2025: Stage Door The Dumbest Play Ever (Ages 12-15)

Wow! This has to be the worst title ever for a play, right? Unless… maybe not? In a series of silly scenes that will have us laughing at the “dumbness” in everything, the real question in the end is about what matters most. And while we all can do dumb, goofy things at times (maybe a lot of the time!), we all offer something of value as well. Despite its name, this play smartly poses pertinent questions like: Is Artificial Intelligence smart or dumb? Is a tri-fork an amazing brainstorm or just another silly idea? And why are really good answers on a quiz show somehow wrong? Perhaps Mabel’s Meditative Yoga Class is what we need to just let it all go and not worry whether any of this is smart or dumb or silly or weird, because it’s definitely all of the above! Demonstrating that we can all see a bit of ourselves in this play, the opening scene has the playwright himself as a character making fun of his own dumb ideas — this very play possibly being one of them! Players and the audience join in the fun with these ditzy characters through eight more scenes with cast sizes ranging from 2 to 8. No one will walk away from this show without feeling both a little bit ‘dummer’ and a lot more smarter!

Time: 10:00 am-4:00 pm | Extended hours available 8:30am – 10:00am, 4:00pm – 5:30pm

Location: Kenmore Middle School (200 S Carlin Springs Rd, Arlington, VA 22204)*

Price: $850 Early Bird Deal | $900 After January 31st

August 11-22, 2025: Usher: A Totally Teen Comedy (Ages 12-15)

The works of Edgar Allan Poe are bone-chilling, dark, depressing — nevermore, quoth the raven! This skillful adaptation takes a grand mix of Poe’s writing and characters and weaves them together into a teen-savvy comedy loosely based on “The Fall of the House of Usher” but with more laughs and a much brighter ending. After the bus breaks down on a dark and stormy night, a bunch of high school students on a field trip are forced to spend the night in the spooky house of Usher. But they’re not alone! The spirits of Usher ancestors haunt the halls, cursed to stay trapped in the house forever, unless someone helps the last surviving Usher find the will to truly live life. Along with a healthy dose of entertaining teen drama, Usher touches on some weighty issues that haunt the nightmares of most teens — isolation, loneliness, suicide, and peer pressure. But lighten up, it’s a comedy after all! With characters drawn from classics such as “The Cask of Amontillado,” “The Tell Tale Heart,” “Annabel Lee,” and some lesser-known works, there are countless winks, nudges, and nods to the Master of Horror. The House of Usher doesn’t fall at the end in this show, but Usher will bring down yours!

Time: 10:00 am-4:00 pm | Extended hours available 9:00am – 10:00am, 4:00pm – 5:30pm

Location: Encore @ St. Andrews (4000 Lorcom Ln Arlington, VA 22207)

Price: $850 Early Bird Deal | $900 After January 31st

We look forward to having a load of laughs this summer! Don’t miss out!

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