The Encore Impact

Meet 2024 Arts Management Intern & Encore Alum Alex Beach

You may have seen this familiar face in the previous summers on stage including Freaky Friday and Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. We’re so excited for her return to Encore for another amazing summer! Get to know our 2024 arts management intern and Encore summer show alum, Alex Beach!

We’re so glad to have you back! Please tell us about yourself!
Hi there! My name is Alex Beach and I am thrilled to be working as an Arts Management Intern for Encore this summer! I grew up in Annandale, Virginia where I have lived my whole life. I am 21 years old and am currently a rising senior at Long Island University where I am studying Arts Management. In my free time, I love to make my own music, paint, and go to the gym. In the future I would love to work full time doing marketing or finance for a music/theater company while also creating my own music on the side. 

What made your decision to apply for the Encore internship? 
As an Arts Management major, I was particularly excited to gain experience working in the field I hope to pursue after graduation. I have really enjoyed working on shows with Encore in the past, so when I saw the internship posting on Encore’s website, I knew I had to apply. During my time with Encore, I’ve met wonderful people and made lifelong memories. I was so impressed by the talent and professionalism of the young performers and crew members, as well as the kindness and attentiveness of all the staff. It made the decision to apply an easy one! 

What shows have you participated with Encore before and please tell us all about it!
I have participated in Encore productions the past two summers while home from college. During the summer of 2022, I was in the cast of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, which was a collaboration between 3 local theater companies: Encore, Arlington Players, and Avant Barde. This was my first time ever working with Encore, and from the start I knew I wanted to work with them again. 

Last summer I was in the cast of Freaky Friday as a part of Savannah’s Clique. I absolutely loved working with this cast, especially my friends in Savannah’s Clique: Natalie Garcia-Ruiz, Juliette Kane, and Drew Wright. Because I go to college in New York, summers can sometimes feel a little lonely, but the cast and crew of Freaky Friday provided me with a wonderful support system and lifelong friendships for which I am eternally grateful. 

What skills are you looking forward to learning during your time at Encore this summer? 
I am so excited for the opportunity to work under wonderful mentors and learn what it takes for a non-profit theater company to operate smoothly from an administrative standpoint. My first experience on crew for a production gave me a newfound appreciation for all the effort that crew members put into making a show the best it can be, and I know the same will be true about the management positions. Everything from box office operations to fundraising and development is crucial and advantageous in this industry. I’m especially looking forward to improving my skills in website design and learning about managing finances for a non-profit organization.

Can you describe your favorite theatre/performing arts experience and what made it so memorable? 
My favorite role that I have ever played was Logainne Schwartzandgrubenierre (Scwartzy) in my high school’s production of The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. Not only is this show memorable on its own for its comedy and quirky characters, but the tight-knit cast made it a particularly special experience for me. I didn’t know it at the time, but this was actually my last show that I would perform at Falls Church High School due to the pandemic in 2020. Although I had been in many theatrical productions before, playing Schwartzy was the first time that I truly fell in love with a character, flaws and all. Schwarty is brilliant, funny, and spunky. She is strong willed, confident, and is not afraid to speak her mind – qualities that I admire and strive to embody in my own life. 

What’s your favorite play or musical as an audience member? 
My favorite show I’ve ever seen is Once on This Island on Broadway! Perhaps the most unique aspect of the musical was its staging in the round, with sand covering the entire stage and real water representing the sea. Elements of the set were incorporated all throughout the theater, making the experience incredibly immersive, as if there was no separation between the actor’s world and the audience’s. I was blown away by the talent of the performers, including big names such as Hailey Kilgore, Alex Newell, and Lea Salonga. Beyond the incredibly talented performers and outstanding set design, Once On This Island tells a beautiful story. Ti Moune, a peasant girl, is saved from a terrible storm by the gods to settle their debate; Is love stronger than death? The heart-wrenching tale explores themes of faith, hope, prejudice, love, and death. 

Why do you think performing arts are important for young people?
A brilliant theater teacher once told me that if he could have any superpower in the world, he would choose the power of perspective – the ability to see any situation from someone else’s point of view and understand why people make the choices they do or are the way they are. He explained that theatre is the key to achieving this superpower. This sentiment has stuck with me because it has made me see the performing arts as the transformative experience they truly are. 

Participation in the performing arts is so important for young people, especially, because it encourages them to develop compassion for others and practice empathy. Theatre challenges performers to understand and embody characters that may be vastly different from themselves without judgment or inhibitions. Furthermore, the performing arts provide a form of self expression that allow young people to learn about themselves and the world around them in a creative and collaborative way. 

What is your dream character role or dream production to work on and why?
My #1 dream role is definitely Elle Woods in Legally Blonde! Not only is this role absolutely iconic, but the score is so catchy, and Elle’s songs are some of my favorites to sing. Her journey from a seemingly superficial sorority girl to a successful Harvard Law student breaks stereotypes and demonstrates that true strength comes from being resilient and unapologetically yourself. I would be honored to play this role some day! 

Another role I’d love to take on is Rusty in Footloose! My passion for the musical started back in 8th grade when I was chosen to perform the solo for “Let’s Hear It For The Boy” at a musical theatre summer camp. That experience made me fall in love with the show. I’d be thrilled to revisit the role of Rusty within the full context of the production, as she’s such a vibrant and confident character. 

What theme day should Encore have at the office?
I would love to see Encore have a “dream role” theme day at the office! Since we are all lovers of theater, it would be fun to learn about Encore employees’ favorite shows or characters they would like to play some day. 

Is there anything else you’d like to share with us? 
I just want to give a shout-out to my supervisor, Aileen Christian, and to my co-intern, Matthew Bloss-Baum, for being the best team I could ever ask for! I appreciate both of you and feel so lucky to work with you both this summer!

Photos courtesy of Alex Beach.

Meet 2024 Arts Management Intern Matthew Bloss-Baum

We’ve got an exciting summer coming your way and we’re thrilled to introduce you to our summer team! You’ve seen him in Encore’s past Stage Doors and season productions on cast and crew, meet one of our newest 2024 Arts Management Interns, Matthew Bloss-Baum!

Welcome back to Encore! Please introduce yourself to those who are new here and let us know what you are up to now:  

Hello!  My name is Matthew Bloss-Baum and I am currently a rising sophomore at Fordham University in New York City.  I am a communications major with a double minor in Film /TV and Political Science.  At school, I am very involved in the arts.  I am in an A Cappella group that I am also on the E-Board for and I am very involved in our main stage theatre club which does four productions a year.  This year I was on the cast for three and did costumes for the last one!

What years and programs/productions (and roles) were you involved in Encore?

During my time participating in Encore, I was a part of almost 30 productions.  I was doing shows from the second I could, I started when I was just 10 years old and did productions until I was a junior in high school.  Some of my favorites were Snow White, The Little Mermaid Jr., and Newsies!  I always enjoyed the musicals the most because my favorite was being able to joke around and sing with my friends!

What career or latest projects are you working on right now? What is your latest role at Encore? 

A big project that I am working on right now is building my TikTok page.  Over the past few years, I have had the best time making content and short videos about all of my interests online and have been really taking off recently.  TikTok has given me the opportunity to work with brands that I love and make content for them!  It is a really great creative outlet for me and cannot wait to continue making content.

This summer I am currently back at Encore as the Arts Management intern.  It is truly a wonderful full circle moment to know I am coming back to a place that feels like home to me and be on the other side of things and can be a role model to the new age of Encore kids.  While I am interning at Encore, I am also interning at another theatre in Washington, DC.  So you could say I have a busy summer ahead of me, but I could not be more excited to be working in the arts every day.

What Encore experiences or moment(s) were most memorable for you and why?
The most memorable experiences for me at Encore were the friendships I made through doing the productions.  Encore created a space that made everyone want to bond so much by bringing us together through making art.  I made so many lifelong friends through doing shows with Encore and could not be more grateful.  

What skills or lessons did you take away from your time at Encore?

What I gained so many skills through my time at Encore.  When Encore says “By Kids, For Kids”, nothing could be more true.  I learned how to sing, dance, act, build a set, make costumes, market a show, work with customers, and so much more.  Encore really set me up to work in theatre in any capacity and am constantly using the skills I learned here at college.

Were there any friendships or people who resonated with you at Encore?

I have made so many friends through Encore and met so many amazing people.  I met one of my best friends in the entire world through Encore, Hannah Knittig.  We met doing my first Encore show together all the way back in 2014 and ever since then have been best friends.  Even though we are not running around in fairytale costumes anymore and are adults living far from each other we are still so close because of the bond Encore built for us. 


Any words and wishes to share with students interested in trying out theatre? 

My biggest piece of advice for someone thinking about trying out theatre is to do your best to take all the different opportunities you can and put yourself out there because you won’t regret it.  There are so many different aspects to theatre that are more than just acting, including set building, sewing, crafts, education, marketing, and the list just goes on.  The theatre community is so special and I think there is a place for everyone in it.  So, if you have any inkling to get involved DO IT, it will be the best decision you will ever make for yourself.  

How has theatre and Encore impacted your life? 

Encore and theatre more than just impacted my life, it has made my life what it is.  Encore provided me with learning that the arts are my greatest passion.  Theatre has given me the relationships, confidence, and skills that make me the person I am today.  I know for a fact I will be working in the arts industry for the rest of my life and I have Encore to thank for that.  

Speaking of impact, we have an announcement! This summer we’re delighted to introduce the Encore Alumni group: The Encore Impact. Join us as we relive the Encore memories, rewind to the start of our journey, and learn how to give back to our Encore family!

Photo credit: Larry McClemons, Cindy Kane Photography, Aileen Pangan Christian | Other Photos Courtesy of Matthew Bloss-Baum

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