Alumni Encore

Meet 2024 Arts Management Intern Matthew Bloss-Baum

We’ve got an exciting summer coming your way and we’re thrilled to introduce you to our summer team! You’ve seen him in Encore’s past Stage Doors and season productions on cast and crew, meet one of our newest 2024 Arts Management Interns, Matthew Bloss-Baum!

Welcome back to Encore! Please introduce yourself to those who are new here and let us know what you are up to now:  

Hello!  My name is Matthew Bloss-Baum and I am currently a rising sophomore at Fordham University in New York City.  I am a communications major with a double minor in Film /TV and Political Science.  At school, I am very involved in the arts.  I am in an A Cappella group that I am also on the E-Board for and I am very involved in our main stage theatre club which does four productions a year.  This year I was on the cast for three and did costumes for the last one!

What years and programs/productions (and roles) were you involved in Encore?

During my time participating in Encore, I was a part of almost 30 productions.  I was doing shows from the second I could, I started when I was just 10 years old and did productions until I was a junior in high school.  Some of my favorites were Snow White, The Little Mermaid Jr., and Newsies!  I always enjoyed the musicals the most because my favorite was being able to joke around and sing with my friends!

What career or latest projects are you working on right now? What is your latest role at Encore? 

A big project that I am working on right now is building my TikTok page.  Over the past few years, I have had the best time making content and short videos about all of my interests online and have been really taking off recently.  TikTok has given me the opportunity to work with brands that I love and make content for them!  It is a really great creative outlet for me and cannot wait to continue making content.

This summer I am currently back at Encore as the Arts Management intern.  It is truly a wonderful full circle moment to know I am coming back to a place that feels like home to me and be on the other side of things and can be a role model to the new age of Encore kids.  While I am interning at Encore, I am also interning at another theatre in Washington, DC.  So you could say I have a busy summer ahead of me, but I could not be more excited to be working in the arts every day.

What Encore experiences or moment(s) were most memorable for you and why?
The most memorable experiences for me at Encore were the friendships I made through doing the productions.  Encore created a space that made everyone want to bond so much by bringing us together through making art.  I made so many lifelong friends through doing shows with Encore and could not be more grateful.  

What skills or lessons did you take away from your time at Encore?

What I gained so many skills through my time at Encore.  When Encore says “By Kids, For Kids”, nothing could be more true.  I learned how to sing, dance, act, build a set, make costumes, market a show, work with customers, and so much more.  Encore really set me up to work in theatre in any capacity and am constantly using the skills I learned here at college.

Were there any friendships or people who resonated with you at Encore?

I have made so many friends through Encore and met so many amazing people.  I met one of my best friends in the entire world through Encore, Hannah Knittig.  We met doing my first Encore show together all the way back in 2014 and ever since then have been best friends.  Even though we are not running around in fairytale costumes anymore and are adults living far from each other we are still so close because of the bond Encore built for us. 


Any words and wishes to share with students interested in trying out theatre? 

My biggest piece of advice for someone thinking about trying out theatre is to do your best to take all the different opportunities you can and put yourself out there because you won’t regret it.  There are so many different aspects to theatre that are more than just acting, including set building, sewing, crafts, education, marketing, and the list just goes on.  The theatre community is so special and I think there is a place for everyone in it.  So, if you have any inkling to get involved DO IT, it will be the best decision you will ever make for yourself.  

How has theatre and Encore impacted your life? 

Encore and theatre more than just impacted my life, it has made my life what it is.  Encore provided me with learning that the arts are my greatest passion.  Theatre has given me the relationships, confidence, and skills that make me the person I am today.  I know for a fact I will be working in the arts industry for the rest of my life and I have Encore to thank for that.  

Speaking of impact, we have an announcement! This summer we’re delighted to introduce the Encore Alumni group: The Encore Impact. Join us as we relive the Encore memories, rewind to the start of our journey, and learn how to give back to our Encore family!

Photo credit: Larry McClemons, Cindy Kane Photography, Aileen Pangan Christian | Other Photos Courtesy of Matthew Bloss-Baum

Meet 2022 Encore Cares Student Director: Gabby Wilson

We’re so excited for our 2022 Encore Cares production this fall. Meet the student-extraordinaire directing this production, Gabby Wilson!

Can you introduce yourself: name, grade, and why did you reach out about the Encore Cares program.

Hello everyone! My name is Gabby Wilson, I attend Kenmore Middle School as an 8th grader. I’ve been working with Encore for many years, whether that means being a 5 year old in Encores summer camps or acting onstage in their mainstage productions. Over the years I’ve grown very fond of Encore and the experiences I’ve had there. I was recently Bat Mitzvahed, whenever a child gets Bar/ Bat mitzvahed they have to do a service project to give back to the community. A few years back, two other  Encore participants did Encore Care projects for their Bar mitzvahs. Ever since I heard about this project, I’ve had my heart set on it. Encore is such a welcoming and happy place that I love to be part of, I’m glad to get the chance to give back to this amazing place.

What shows have you worked on with Encore (list cast and crew roles).

So far in my Encore career I’ve been a part of 8 mainstage productions. My cast roles include Toto in Enchanted Bookshop, a Squirrel in Narnia, Della Young in Enchanted Bookshop Christmas and most recently Blind Pew and Annie Bonny in Treasure Island. I also did backstage crew in The Hobbit as well as participating in front of house crew for Cinderella Commedia, Riley O’Brien and The Lost Leprechaun, plus Annie Jr. I definitely love doing all things theater but my favorite part of Encore is performing as an actor.

What has been one of your most memorable experiences at Encore?

I think some things that are really special at Encore are the memories and friendships you make. One thing that stands out to me was when I was in my first Encore show, The Enchanted Bookshop. I was one of the youngest people on cast. I was so amazed at being introduced to the theater. I remember looking up to the older kids and I gained a lot of knowledge from them. Not only was that show my first Encore show, it was my first anywhere show too! I think it’s awesome how at encore no matter your age, you are always learning. For example then I was learning where stage left is and now I’m learning more about things like timing and stage combat.

What skills have you gained in theater that will help you direct this production?

Because I’ve been able to work onstage, behind the scenes, and in front of the stage I believe what I’ve learned will definitely help me as a director. While rehearsing and pushing through long tech week hours I’ve learned what I like about rehearsal processes and what I don’t enjoy. Every director you will work with in the theater will have a certain distinctive style. As a 13 year old girl I definitely know my likes and dislikes. I will strive to do my best working with what I think would make me most successful, which I hope can transfer to you. I’d like to say that ive had many Encore experiences that will help me direct and lift this show higher.

In your own words can you tell us the story of Rainbow Fish and why you chose this play?

The Rainbow Fish tells the story of how a very arrogant fish becomes a humble swimmer. The Rainbow Fish is a gorgeous (and of course rainbow) and shiny fish, and he is well aware of his beauty and reminds everyone about his glamor. Other fish are awed by his presence but when they meet him and his cranky, self absorbed attitude, they quickly realize that beauty comes from within. Soon the Rainbow Fish realizes that it’s better to be kind. He goes on a search and then reaches his heart out to his neighbors. He apologizes for his past and is kind to the other sea creatures. He even demonstrates a big aspect of kindness : sharing. By sharing his most valuable items, his shiny scales. I chose this show because it teaches multiple life lessons and it’s good for a younger audience. It will also (hopefully) make you laugh.

Who are you presenting this production to and why is it important?

Regular mainstage Encore productions are usually shown to the community. The Rainbow Fish will also be shown to an elementary school extended day program. This is special to me because we are performing this production for kids who may not usually be able to see and experience theater. I also hope it can introduce Encore’s program to other families because Encore has most definitely changed my life in an amazing way. I want other kids and families to learn about this wonderful community.

What can our audience look forward to when they come to see the show?

If you are interested in seeing the show, for starters it would make me the happiest ever ;). At the show you should expect a quaint one act, one set show. It’s a family friendly show with laughs for anyone and everyone in the crowd.

Do you have tips for students at auditions?

I would be beyond delighted for you to audition. Here are some things I recommend for the most successful audition!

1. Be prepared: Come ready and with energy, make sure you’ve had a bite to eat and some water if possible.

2. Be in the best mindset possible: Stay positive and do your absolute best.

3. Stay focused as best as possible, the director wants to see how you work with others.

4. Act your best, I know this sounds kind of obvious but really, you should! Even if you mess up, do a movement wrong, flub a line, directors are more focused on how well you can act and project.

5. Have fun, enjoy yourself!

Thank you so much! I hope to see you auditioning on October 25! More information here:

Click here to sign up for an audition time slot today!

Photo credit: Cindy Kane Photography. Additional photos provided by Gabby Wilson.

“Kindness and Enthusiasm” w/ Alum Wyatt Fenner

Welcome back to the Front Row blog, Encore fans! Today we’re excited to share a new interview with another one of our accomplished alumni. Join us as Wyatt Fenner shares his recent projects, advice to theatre newcomers, and a few of his favorite Encore memories, including…a love story? Read on to learn more!

Encore: Please introduce yourself, what are you up to now (jobs, projects, shows, etc.)?

Wyatt: My name is Wyatt Fenner and I am an actor living in New York City by way of Los Angeles. Most recently I’ve joined the cast of the Amazon Prime Digital series After Forever which was just nominated for six 2020 Daytime Emmy Awards, including outstanding Digital Drama Series, and is available to stream now. I’ve also recently workshopped several new plays which are in development and aimed for production when we are safely able to enjoy theatre again. After I finished up at Yorktown High School in Arlington I moved to Los Angeles where I received my Bachelor of Fine Arts in Acting from the University of Southern California. In my career on stage, I’ve worked on world premieres of new plays with amazing directors and writers including the late Terrence McNally, Moisés Kaufman, Darko Tresnjak, Michael Kahn, Samuel D. Hunter, Steve Yockey, Brian Christopher Williams, Bert V. Royal, and many other amazing artists.

Wyatt as Puck in A Midsummer Night’s Dream; The Shakespeare Center of Los Angeles

Encore: Which years and productions were you involved in Encore?

Wyatt: My first production with Encore, at the time called Children’s Theatre of Arlington (CTA) was Sing Ho For A Prince in the winter of 1994-1995, in which I played one of the fairies. Next, I did just about every play I could for the next few years: Jack and the Magic Beans, Rhumba Tia, Robin Hood, You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown, The Jungle Book, Cinderella, and I worked on the technical crew for Snow White, and The Reluctant Dragon. Each of those summers I also attended the Stage Door summer camps in July, which included amazing classes and a huge end of session entire camp performance at the Lubber Run Amphitheater.

Wyatt Fenner (“Mowgli”) and Franny Thomas (“Shere Khan”)

Encore: What was your most memorable moment at Encore and why?

Wyatt: My most memorable experience with CTA would be hard to pinpoint because the organization opened up an entire world to me that fundamentally change my life. My first memory is being in the hallway at the Gunston Arts Center in line to audition for Sing Ho for a Prince next to Katelyn Prominski. I’d never auditioned for a play before. Katelyn and I were the first two kids in line and nobody else was there yet. She’s a ballerina and was already an incredibly talented dancer, and so while we waited Katelyn was doing barre stretches and ballet warm-up exercises. I am not a ballet dancer and I had no idea what she was doing but it seemed as though whatever she was doing was what a person did while they waited for an audition so I just started copying her stretches. Like- as best as I could, I kind of just pretended I also knew exactly what I was doing and that this was very every day for me. I was in an environment I wanted to be a part of and I wasn’t sure exactly how to do that- but I wasn’t going to let that stop me. I’m sure I looked ridiculous but Katelyn didn’t make fun of me or tell me to stop copying her- she included me in the process.

Everyone I shared my time with at Children’s Theatre of Arlington operated with that generosity of spirit. That’s why it’s difficult to pinpoint a moment that was most memorable- helping each other do our stage makeup, pizza parties after the show, late-night trampoline parties on the weekends, the organization provided all of us a place to connect with other kids who were interested in being imaginative and open-hearted- and we all embraced and celebrated that about one another.

Encore: What skills or lessons did you take away from your time at Encore?

Wyatt: The biggest lessons I took away from Encore were the value of being myself with confidence and the importance extending the kindness and enthusiasm I appreciate in the world to the people I am working with and encountering day-to-day. Encouragement makes everyone better and kindness is always what matters most.

Jamie Hyder (“Stepsister”) and Wyatt Fenner (“King”)

Encore: Were there any friendships or people who resonated with you at Encore?

Wyatt: There were so many friendships that resonate deeply with me from my time creating with the Children’s Theatre, including many who I am still close with now. The one relationship that I am certainly especially grateful for is my partner Andrew. Andrew and I both attended the Stage Door summer camp when we were children and when we serendipitously reconnected at a weekend with a group of friends gathered in the country several years ago we immediately remembered one another from our friendship during our time together at Stage Door. We picked up right where we’d left off back then during those summers together at camp- and not long after that weekend, we fell in love. At Stage Door, we were in an environment where we were taught and given the space to laugh and share and inspire one another to do and be our best, which is how we spend our life together now- all in part thanks to those summers we were creating and using our imaginations together at Camp. We live together in Manhattan where I do my work as an actor and he works as a member of the legal team at Mount Sinai Hospital.

Wyatt Fenner (“Linus”)

Encore: What have you been doing to stay creative at home?

Wyatt: Staying creative for me has involved reading, reading, reading, and more reading. I was already a big reader but now that the projects I had been looking forward to digging into are postponed, I’ve been spending several hours a day with whatever book I’m digging through. I find that reading is like going to the gym and getting a really good workout for my imagination. I’ve kept a journal since I was in middle school so I do that and I’ve also been cooking a lot of good meals for myself and Andrew and I’ve been doing the original 1982 Jane Fonda Workout (Advanced Version) every day- it’s a great workout and it’s fun. It’s important to stay fit in every way you can. Another wonderful creative part of the quarantine for me has been writing to and catching up with friends from a distance.

Wyatt Fenner (“Servant”) and Stefanie Cardillo (“Singing Harp”)

Encore: How has theatre and Encore impacted your life?

Wyatt: Theatre has always enriched my life by teaching me about what I don’t already know and allowing me to share what I’ve learned as well as my heart with the people who come to experience what I’ve created with me. Encore taught me that I have the ability to do so and gave me my first opportunities to discover this about myself.

Wyatt Fenner (“John Arable”)

Encore: Any words and wishes to share with students interested in trying out theatre?

Wyatt: Go for it! Have fun! Be brave and if that means standing up in front of a group of other kids to sing a song or if that means approaching a lunch table of kids you don’t feel like you know very well yet- go for it! You’ll learn so much about yourself by taking chances that might seem scary.

Many thanks to Wyatt for taking the time to share such lovely Encore memories with us! We appreciate you and wish you nothing but the best in all of your future projects.

If you or your family members find yourselves searching for connection and creativity during this uncertain time, please join us for a virtual summer camp program! Our staff has been hard at work developing engaging and unique virtual content since March and we can’t wait to share it with all of YOU!

Join us tomorrow morning (Saturday, May 30) for a fun and informative Open House event via Zoom as we share all about our summer camps both virtual and in-person! Virtually meet the teachers that will be joining us this year and see some of their special talents. Hear from the camp directors and learn their plans for taking summer online if necessary. Experience a sample class to get a taste of what a virtual camp program could look like for your students. Our staff will also be available to answer questions from the audience.

Dare Mighty Things – Encore Alum Ethan Stern

Here we are, on another wonderful #TechTuesday. After a fantastic opening weekend of Disney’s Frozen Jr., where over 1,300 patrons joined in our homecoming to Thomas Jefferson Community Theatre, we’re definitely in the mood to keep the party going. You’ve heard from Sarah Conrad, our Encore alumna turned director, a pair of lovely sisters who are performing together for the first time, and now, for your reading pleasure, another important member of our Encore family: an alum! Ethan Stern was kind enough to take the time to chat with us about his years at Encore, what theatre has taught him, and more.

Encore: Please briefly introduce yourself. How have you been involved with Encore?

Ethan: My name is Ethan Stern and I was involved in Encore Stage from a young age. I took my first acting class when I was a child and continued to take acting classes with Encore. I remember telling my mom I wanted to go every day because I was so excited for class. From there I started auditioning for shows. I was in several shows throughout the years and I also had the ability to learn the technical side of the theatre and I was on the crew for several shows as well.

Encore: How do the arts impact your life, both as a student and today?

Ethan: As a young person being involved in the arts impacted me greatly; I fell in love with theatre from the first class I took and as a child it taught me so many things, but most of all it helped me express myself and let me be creative in a way that no other outlet could. I think those early memories and experiences I had doing theatre definitely helped shaped me into the person I am today. The arts are so powerful, and being around so many other young people that had the same passion for creativity that I did added so much to the experience.

The Merry Wives of Windsor, August 1998

Encore: What is your favorite Encore memory?

Ethan: I have many amazing Encore memories. One that sticks out in my mind all these years later is being a part of The Merry Wives of Windsor in 1998. The set was one of the most elaborate sets I had ever seen at the time and it was really a work of art. The cast and crew worked tirelessly to transform Gunston Theatre into something magical for the audience. When the show was over, I remember striking the set until some crazy hour in the morning, and even though we were all exhausted we knew we had been a part of something amazing so everyone stayed until the end. There was a real sense of community in all Encore casts, but The Merry Wives of Windsor felt special because the cast was so large and had such a mix of ages/backgrounds and levels of acting experience. We were really proud of what we had accomplished together.

I also have fond memories of the show The Reluctant Dragon because that giant dragon costume was the first time I had worked with a costume that was essentially a large puppet. The actors had to use levers and pulleys inside the costume to move the character around. I was the voice of the Dragon so learning to sync up with my character’s body on stage was a really interesting challenge.

Encore: Which skills did you gain from participating in theatre as a young person?

Ethan: I gained a lot of skills from participating in theatre as a young person. Being a parent now, I would say it is useful to any child. I learned so many things that help in all aspects of life, such as public speaking. I know being involved in Encore gave me a sense of accomplishment and confidence that every young adult needs. And even though I didn’t know this at the time I was acting, I think being involved in theatre helped me be a more mindful person and pause more. When you get a note from a director in front of the rest of the cast/crew, it is hard not to take it personally, but if you have a good director they will teach you to take it as constructive criticism and to pause before reacting. This is true about so many things in life; pausing before you react is one of the best lessons I learned from Encore.

Susan Keady

Encore: Were there any Encore staff members that really made an impact on your experience?

Ethan: The Encore staff member that truly had an impact on my experience was without a doubt, Susan Keady. She worked on many of the shows I was involved in and was wonderful. I have great memories of her jumping on stage in excitement to show me a new idea of blocking while rehearsing, coming up to the catwalk to show us how to change the gels in the lights up there, making us go through a dance number or a fight scene several times and re-working it on the fly. As a young adult at Encore, she held the cast/crew to a high standard that was much needed- it made us feel like she saw so much potential in us and she would hold us to that until we were able to see it in ourselves. That high standard she held everyone to gave me a sense of self-worth and encouraged me to learn and grow in so many ways. I am truly grateful for the passion and enthusiasm she brought to Encore and gave to all of us.

Encore: Do you have any advice you’d like to share with young people who are interested in participating in the arts in some capacity?

Ethan: To anyone interested in participating in the arts- don’t let fear hold you back. Jump in! Encore is a great place to land and you will learn more than you ever expected and you will make great friends and amazing memories along the way.

Encore: Any other fun Encore memories you’d like to share with us?

Ethan: Another great memory I have from Encore is winning the Star Award. After all these years I still have the award because Encore made such a big impact on my life.

Encore: Any final words (for now)?

Ethan: I wish everyone a successful Homecoming Season at Thomas Jefferson Community Theatre!

Many thanks to Ethan for sharing so many wonderful and insightful memories with us. We love hearing about all the varied Encore experiences our students have had throughout the years and what they’re up to now. If you have a story to share or would like to be featured on The Front Row blog, please reach out to us at

Feeling nostalgic for all the good times you’ve shared with your Encore friends, whether it’s been years or just a few months? Bring the family back together on Thursday, October 17th for an Alumni Night at Disney’s Frozen Jr!

From Arlington Princess to LA Fearless: Meet Encore Alumna, Brittany O’Grady

We’re so excited for our upcoming production of The 12 Dancing Princesses presenting May 30-June 8, 2014. We’re even more excited to reconnect with a past Encore princess and alumna, Brittany O’Grady. Brittany performed in Encore’s 2007 production of The 12 Dancing Princesses and has been doing great things since then. Brittany has been cast with several other Washington area theaters including Signature Theatre, Ford’s Theatre, Synetic Theater and the Little Theatre of Alexandria and has also performed at the White House and the Kennedy Center. Her commercial work includes national and regional ad campaigns, PSAs, and more. One of Brittany’s latest appearances includes ABC’s hit-comedy sitcom, Trophy Wife. Check out her clip as we catch up with Brittany on her theater journey in the DC area to her latest endeavors in Los Angeles.

        Encore: What was your first role and can you describe your experience?

        Brittany: My first role was an angel in my church’s Christmas pageant at age 3. I fell asleep on stage. The director had to pick me up and bring me to my mother when the scene ended. I guess you could say that my first role was a comedic one.

        Encore: What school did you graduate from and can you list some of your favorite roles/productions you’ve been involved in?

        Brittany: I graduated from Washington Lee High School in 2013. I’ve had some great roles I’ve gotten to take on. My favorite so far has been playing the Fiancée in Synetic Theater’s production of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. It was a dark and twisted show which really gave me a challenge. I loved the romance and drama my character brought to the story.

        Encore: How old were you when you performed in Encore’s 12 Dancing Princesses and what did you enjoy about working on this production?

        Brittany: I was 10 years old when I performed in Encore’s 12 Dancing Princesses. It was my first time doing a theater production outside of school. I absolutely fell in love with the cast. I loved playing Cindi with an “I”. I formed a very close bond with everyone. I’m still in contact and very close with many of the actors from the show.

        Encore: What motivated you to pursue acting? Did you always feel supported (in the Arlington community and beyond) to pursue this career?

        Brittany: I started acting and modeling professionally at age 4. I didn’t start becoming seriously motivated to pursue acting as a career until I was 10 when I had the opportunity to participate in Signature Theater’s, The Witches of Eastwick. I was and still am supported by the Arlington community. There were many opportunities to express myself artistically, whether it was art classes at school, dance classes after school, or participating in theater productions like Encore’s 12 Dancing Princesses. I was always encouraged to pursue my dreams because I’ve worked all my life to achieve them.

        Encore: What lessons can you take away from your experience in theater?

        Brittany: I’ve learned to be fearless, expressive, and confident. You cannot be afraid to take risks and receive criticism.

        Never EVER give up… -Brittany O’Grady

        Encore: What projects are you currently working on and how are you enjoying California?

        Brittany: Currently, I’m just auditioning for projects and deciding which college I should attend. California is a crazy but beautiful place! There are so many opportunities. I also love the weather. I avoided all those crazy snow storms on the east coast.

        Encore: Any advice for our current Encore participants who want to pursue acting as a career?

        Brittany: Never EVER give up. No matter how discouraged you get and how many times you get rejected. Work hard, train hard, and know your stuff. If you are always working on improving yourself, you will get better. You will become the versatile actor you want to be. The roles will come with time.

        Thank you Brittany for taking the time to share your theater experience with us! Best wishes on your career and future endeavors!

        Are you or someone you know a past participant of Encore Stage & Studio? Click here to join our Encore alumni facebook group!

        We hope to see you at the theatre for Encore’s spring production of The 12 Dancing Princesses. There’s a mystery afoot in King Alfred’s kingdom. Every night the King sends his twelve princesses, each more beautiful than the last, off to bed with brand new shoes in a secure chamber in the castle. However, every morning the King awakes to find the shoes worn as if the girls had been dancing all night. Since no one will confess to what has happened, the King promises his kingdom to any soldier who can discover his daughters’ secret within three days. Join one soldier who is determined to uncover the mystery of the shoes and win his shot at a kingdom and a princess. Recommended for ages 4 and up. Ticket Prices: $12 adults, $10 children, students, military and seniors. Click here to purchase tickets online, or call our box office (703) 548-1154.

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