newsies, dancing, choreography, group photo, scene, newsboy, angry, crowd, mob, yelling, jumping, hands in the air

Capturing Magic with Cindy Kane

This #TechTuesday, we are delighted to step behind the scenes to interview someone who helps create the face of Encore as you know it: photographer Cindy Kane. Her beautiful images brighten up our website, the season brochure, and, of course, The Front Row blog! Let’s learn more about her process and some of her top Encore memories.

Encore: Please briefly introduce yourself. How have you been involved in/with the arts in the past? How have you come to be involved with Encore?

Cindy: Hi, I’m Cindy and I’m a lifestyle photographer and storyteller. I’ve been on the stage since I was little and have performed in straight plays and musicals, written one-acts and screenplays, and performed in storytelling shows with Story District. Last fall, I was welcomed into the Encore family when my daughter was cast in Ghostchasers and I’ve been photographing the shows here ever since.

Encore: How did you develop an interest in photography?

Cindy: I was given my first camera around the same time that I started writing and performing, so photography has always been another way of telling stories. I love capturing families and children in their elements, when they’re having fun and unafraid of being themselves in front of the camera. That’s also why I love photographing performers. People really come alive when they’re doing what they love.

Encore: What’s your favorite part of photographing theatrical productions? Are there any challenges?

Cindy: My very favorite part is weaving in and out of the scenes, and trying to capture not just what the audience sees, but what the actors see and feel as well.

The biggest challenge is always the lighting. Sometimes two people can be standing next to each other, and one is in shadow and the other is washed out. Or colored lights which look fantastic during the show can change skin tones in photographs. In Robin Hood, for example, no matter how many hours I spent trying to even out the green lighting of Sherwood Forest, some of the actors were still splotched with green.

Encore: You always capture such spectacular moments in the scenes. How do you know how/when to get the shot?

Cindy: That’s so nice of you to say – thank you! Honestly, I have no idea when to get specific shots because when I’m photographing a dress rehearsal it’s also the first time I’m seeing the show. I just keep one eye on the lights and try to get as many different perspectives as possible…and I take hundreds (and hundreds) of shots!

Encore: What’s been the most magical moment you’ve captured in a stage production?

Cindy: This shot from Newsies was definitely the most magical for me. I’d been wandering around the set trying to see if I could frame the lights into the shot and as I focused on Jack, he shot his arm up in the air. I was really excited.

Encore: What’s your favorite photograph you’ve taken for Encore?

Cindy: It’s hard to narrow it down when there are so many dynamic actors and beautiful sets, but a few of my favorites are included in this post!

Encore: What prompted you to volunteer your skills at/for Encore?

Cindy: I initially volunteered to photograph for Ghostchasers! because my daughter was in the show, but I’ve continued to volunteer because I’ve been so impressed with Encore – with who they are, and what they offer kids. I’ve been involved with theatre — in one form or another — for most of my life and I’ve never (ever) seen a group of kids so focused and attentive and dedicated. You can tell they feel supported and encouraged by their directors. They’re all excited to be there, which makes me excited to be there, too.

During my first parent meeting, I almost didn’t volunteer because they never mentioned needing a photographer. But I reached out anyway, and it turned out that the photographer who’d worked with them for the past 20+ years had retired after the last show. You just never know when there’s a need you can fill.

Encore: Which production in the 2019/2020 Homecoming Season are you most looking forward to photographing and why?

Cindy: I’m excited about the entire season because most of the shows are new to me, but I have to say that after experiencing the summer production of Newsies, I’m really excited for West Side Story.

Many thanks to Cindy for taking the time out of her busy holiday schedule to share with us here on The Front Row. Her generous contribution is a beautiful example of one of the many ways you can give back to Encore this season (or any time of year!). If you have a talent to share, we would love to help you find a way to use it in support of “Theatre by kids, for kids.” Please shoot us an email at and we’ll get the ball rolling. We can’t wait!

Interested in supporting Encore through a more traditional avenue? Please join us one week from today for 2019’s Giving Tuesday campaign. Donate right on the team page, support a specific student or staff member, or even create a fundraising page of your own!

Photos by Cindy Kane Photography. Blog contribution by Shannon McCarthy.

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