Encore Stage & Studio

The Front Row Blog

The Front Row Blog

on stage, smiling, laughing, gloves, performance

An Attitude of Gratitude

By Encore Stage Team | November 22, 2019

Happy #FrontRowFriday, everyone! Next week, many of you will go around the table and share what you are thankful for this year. Since we will all be celebrating with our own families over Thanksgiving, our Encore family took some time during yesterday’s staff meeting to reflect on the past year and all the joys it […]

on stage, scene, point, performance

What’s in My Rehearsal Bag: Bridget S.

By Encore Stage Team | November 19, 2019

Happy #TechTuesday, everyone! Today we’re excited to chat with the lovely Bridget in this latest installment of our new “Rehearsal Bag” series. Let’s find out what keeps this CSI actor ready to go! Hi, my name is Bridget Schaller and I go to St. Thomas More Cathedral School. This will be my third production with […]

otterloop family, 2015, dinner, food, eating, dining room, family, family dinner, on stage

The CFC: Giving by the Letter

By Encore Stage Team | November 15, 2019

This #FrontRowFriday marks just over two weeks away from one of the largest charitable events of the year, Giving Tuesday. To keep us in the holiday giving spirit, we’re featuring blogs about various ways you can support “Theatre by kids, for kids” this season. (Did you catch our handy Season of Giving Resource Guide last […]

jingle, santa, elf, chef, winter, christmas, holiday, surprise, festive, group photo, elves, pirate, on stage, performance photo

Season of Giving Resource Guide

By Encore Stage Team | November 8, 2019

By whichever metric you use (the Starbucks holiday menu, the passing of Halloween, etc.), the holiday season is officially upon us. For many of us, these coming months will be a whirlwind of festivities, delicious food, and, most importantly, special times with family and friends. For me, an additional joy can be found in taking […]

Madaline Langston, rehearsal, script, blocking, reading, flip the script, rehearsal photo, blog post

Inspiring, Emotional, and Raw: Breaking Down Walls w/ Flip the Script

By Encore Stage Team | November 1, 2019

This #FrontRowFriday, we’ve got a captivating and timely interview for all the Encore fans out there, so we’ll cut right to the chase: read on to learn more about the thought-provoking research and devising that’s had the cast of Flip the Script hard at work since this summer. Participants Ryely and Kylen share about their […]

Ethan Stern, encore staff, staff highlight, onstage, dragon, knight, sword

Dare Mighty Things – Encore Alum Ethan Stern

By Encore Stage Team | October 15, 2019

Here we are, on another wonderful #TechTuesday. After a fantastic opening weekend of Disney’s Frozen Jr., where over 1,300 patrons joined in our homecoming to Thomas Jefferson Community Theatre, we’re definitely in the mood to keep the party going. You’ve heard from Sarah Conrad, our Encore alumna turned director, a pair of lovely sisters who […]

thomas jefferson, TJ, venue, performance location, plan your visit

Plan Your Visit to the Theatre | Thomas Jefferson Community Theatre

By Encore Stage Team | October 11, 2019

The parking garage is located at the far end of the new Alice West Fleet Elementary School (115 S Old Glebe Rd) on the right. There are two sharp turns, as well as a median at the entrance to the parking garage. Patrons are welcome to park on either level of the garage. There are […]

frozen jr, t-shirts, show shirts, theater kid, encore shirts

A Frozen Family Affair: The Payne Sisters

By Encore Stage Team | October 11, 2019

A Frozen #FrontRowFriday to all the Encore fans out there! We’re buzzing with anticipation leading up to the opening of Disney’s Frozen Jr. this evening at Thomas Jefferson Community Theatre. It’s our first production back in our home theatre since The Jungle Book back in 2017. We are definitely full of family feeling, returning to […]

Madeline's christmas, christmas, holiday, dancing, singing, on stage, final pose, arms up, hands up

Dramaturgy 101: Disney’s Frozen Jr.

By Encore Stage Team | October 4, 2019

Happy #FrontRowFriday, Encore friends! You’ve had the chance to meet Production Apprentice Kyla McLaughlin – now you get to discover one of her wonderful talents. Kyla has a background in the art of dramaturgy and is kind enough to share some of her knowledge with all of us here on the blog. We look forward […]

jumping, tweens, camp, sky, courage, flying, arms up, jump, off the ground, camp photo

September Highlights to Get You Jumping for Joy

By Encore Stage Team | October 1, 2019

September is a great month, full of new beginnings, big plans, and the crisp air of autumn. It can also be one of the busiest months for our Encore families, as students get back in a school routine, sports and extracurriculars pick up, and the wonderful laziness of summer drifts away like a leaf on […]

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