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Virtual Camp Review: Michelle & Ali

Welcome back to The Front Row blog. I hope you enjoyed Tuesday’s post, where we introduced a new mini-series of parental reviews of Encore’s virtual summer camp programs. Today we’re back, with some familiar faces and a new perspective on Stage Door in this unique format. Enjoy!

Encore: Please briefly introduce yourself. What was your family’s previous experience with Encore prior to this summer, if any?

Michelle: My name is Michelle, and my daughter’s name is Ali. Ali is 12 years old. She has performed in several Encore shows and attended one camp in-person last year (Tragedy vs. Comedy) and one virtual camp (Stage Door Annie Jr.) this year.

Encore: If you weren’t already enrolled in an Encore camp, what prompted you to seek out/sign up for virtual summer camp programming?

Michelle: Ali was already enrolled in Annie Jr. camp when the pandemic made for an interesting summer. We decided to try the virtual format with Encore and we were not disappointed at all!

Encore: What expectations did you have about virtual programming before the camp started?

Michelle: This was Ali and Encore’s first virtual camp and I was hoping that she would be engaged enough for the entire camp. I was pleasantly surprised and my expectations were met and exceeded.

Encore: What new skills or lessons did your child learn from their time at camp?

Michelle: Ali learned so many aspects about Zoom that she did not know before. During camp, there were break-out sessions with a smaller number of campers and she was able to navigate the platform well.

Encore: Are there any key moments from your student’s virtual camp experience that particularly stand out in your memory (a favorite song they learned, a new friend they made, etc.)?

Michelle: Here are two:

1) When we watched Annie Jr. as a family, we were amazed at how well the show was done. Campers filmed themselves singing and dancing at home and the Encore staff was able to put the film together to make the show. It was a great show.

2) Listening to Ali up in her room singing and dancing every day made my heart happy. She was in her element.

Encore: Any words of advice to future virtual participants/their families?

Michelle: If you or your child are interested in attending a virtual camp, you will not be disappointed with Encore’s camps. Your child will be able to enjoy their love of theatre at home.

Many thanks to Michelle and Ali, for both their honest feedback and for joining us for virtual camp this summer. There is still time for you to register and join their ranks as unique theatre-makers this year.

Virtual Summer Camps for August

It’s Elementary (ages 5-9)

August 17-21, 2020 – Laugh Out Loud
August 24-28, 2020 – Around the World in 5 Days
August 31-September 4, 2020 – Under the Sea

Scenes for Tweens (ages 8-12)

August 17-21, 2020 – Improv-a-thon
August 24-28, 2020 – Summer Nights Live
August 31 – September 4, 2020 – Movie Mash-Up

Enrollment closes at 5 PM EST the Sunday prior to the start of camp.

Photos by Cindy Kane Photography, Aileen Pangan Christian, and Connie Polnow. Blog contribution by Shannon McCarthy.

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