Dare Mighty Things – Encore Alum Ethan Stern

Here we are, on another wonderful #TechTuesday. After a fantastic opening weekend of Disney’s Frozen Jr., where over 1,300 patrons joined in our homecoming to Thomas Jefferson Community Theatre, we’re definitely in the mood to keep the party going. You’ve heard from Sarah Conrad, our Encore alumna turned director, a pair of lovely sisters who are performing together for the first time, and now, for your reading pleasure, another important member of our Encore family: an alum! Ethan Stern was kind enough to take the time to chat with us about his years at Encore, what theatre has taught him, and more.

Encore: Please briefly introduce yourself. How have you been involved with Encore?

Ethan: My name is Ethan Stern and I was involved in Encore Stage from a young age. I took my first acting class when I was a child and continued to take acting classes with Encore. I remember telling my mom I wanted to go every day because I was so excited for class. From there I started auditioning for shows. I was in several shows throughout the years and I also had the ability to learn the technical side of the theatre and I was on the crew for several shows as well.

Encore: How do the arts impact your life, both as a student and today?

Ethan: As a young person being involved in the arts impacted me greatly; I fell in love with theatre from the first class I took and as a child it taught me so many things, but most of all it helped me express myself and let me be creative in a way that no other outlet could. I think those early memories and experiences I had doing theatre definitely helped shaped me into the person I am today. The arts are so powerful, and being around so many other young people that had the same passion for creativity that I did added so much to the experience.

The Merry Wives of Windsor, August 1998

Encore: What is your favorite Encore memory?

Ethan: I have many amazing Encore memories. One that sticks out in my mind all these years later is being a part of The Merry Wives of Windsor in 1998. The set was one of the most elaborate sets I had ever seen at the time and it was really a work of art. The cast and crew worked tirelessly to transform Gunston Theatre into something magical for the audience. When the show was over, I remember striking the set until some crazy hour in the morning, and even though we were all exhausted we knew we had been a part of something amazing so everyone stayed until the end. There was a real sense of community in all Encore casts, but The Merry Wives of Windsor felt special because the cast was so large and had such a mix of ages/backgrounds and levels of acting experience. We were really proud of what we had accomplished together.

I also have fond memories of the show The Reluctant Dragon because that giant dragon costume was the first time I had worked with a costume that was essentially a large puppet. The actors had to use levers and pulleys inside the costume to move the character around. I was the voice of the Dragon so learning to sync up with my character’s body on stage was a really interesting challenge.

Encore: Which skills did you gain from participating in theatre as a young person?

Ethan: I gained a lot of skills from participating in theatre as a young person. Being a parent now, I would say it is useful to any child. I learned so many things that help in all aspects of life, such as public speaking. I know being involved in Encore gave me a sense of accomplishment and confidence that every young adult needs. And even though I didn’t know this at the time I was acting, I think being involved in theatre helped me be a more mindful person and pause more. When you get a note from a director in front of the rest of the cast/crew, it is hard not to take it personally, but if you have a good director they will teach you to take it as constructive criticism and to pause before reacting. This is true about so many things in life; pausing before you react is one of the best lessons I learned from Encore.

Susan Keady

Encore: Were there any Encore staff members that really made an impact on your experience?

Ethan: The Encore staff member that truly had an impact on my experience was without a doubt, Susan Keady. She worked on many of the shows I was involved in and was wonderful. I have great memories of her jumping on stage in excitement to show me a new idea of blocking while rehearsing, coming up to the catwalk to show us how to change the gels in the lights up there, making us go through a dance number or a fight scene several times and re-working it on the fly. As a young adult at Encore, she held the cast/crew to a high standard that was much needed- it made us feel like she saw so much potential in us and she would hold us to that until we were able to see it in ourselves. That high standard she held everyone to gave me a sense of self-worth and encouraged me to learn and grow in so many ways. I am truly grateful for the passion and enthusiasm she brought to Encore and gave to all of us.

Encore: Do you have any advice you’d like to share with young people who are interested in participating in the arts in some capacity?

Ethan: To anyone interested in participating in the arts- don’t let fear hold you back. Jump in! Encore is a great place to land and you will learn more than you ever expected and you will make great friends and amazing memories along the way.

Encore: Any other fun Encore memories you’d like to share with us?

Ethan: Another great memory I have from Encore is winning the Star Award. After all these years I still have the award because Encore made such a big impact on my life.

Encore: Any final words (for now)?

Ethan: I wish everyone a successful Homecoming Season at Thomas Jefferson Community Theatre!

Many thanks to Ethan for sharing so many wonderful and insightful memories with us. We love hearing about all the varied Encore experiences our students have had throughout the years and what they’re up to now. If you have a story to share or would like to be featured on The Front Row blog, please reach out to us at info@encorestage.org.

Feeling nostalgic for all the good times you’ve shared with your Encore friends, whether it’s been years or just a few months? Bring the family back together on Thursday, October 17th for an Alumni Night at Disney’s Frozen Jr!

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