Meet 2022 Encore Cares Student Director: Gabby Wilson

We’re so excited for our 2022 Encore Cares production this fall. Meet the student-extraordinaire directing this production, Gabby Wilson!

Can you introduce yourself: name, grade, and why did you reach out about the Encore Cares program.

Hello everyone! My name is Gabby Wilson, I attend Kenmore Middle School as an 8th grader. I’ve been working with Encore for many years, whether that means being a 5 year old in Encores summer camps or acting onstage in their mainstage productions. Over the years I’ve grown very fond of Encore and the experiences I’ve had there. I was recently Bat Mitzvahed, whenever a child gets Bar/ Bat mitzvahed they have to do a service project to give back to the community. A few years back, two other  Encore participants did Encore Care projects for their Bar mitzvahs. Ever since I heard about this project, I’ve had my heart set on it. Encore is such a welcoming and happy place that I love to be part of, I’m glad to get the chance to give back to this amazing place.

What shows have you worked on with Encore (list cast and crew roles).

So far in my Encore career I’ve been a part of 8 mainstage productions. My cast roles include Toto in Enchanted Bookshop, a Squirrel in Narnia, Della Young in Enchanted Bookshop Christmas and most recently Blind Pew and Annie Bonny in Treasure Island. I also did backstage crew in The Hobbit as well as participating in front of house crew for Cinderella Commedia, Riley O’Brien and The Lost Leprechaun, plus Annie Jr. I definitely love doing all things theater but my favorite part of Encore is performing as an actor.

What has been one of your most memorable experiences at Encore?

I think some things that are really special at Encore are the memories and friendships you make. One thing that stands out to me was when I was in my first Encore show, The Enchanted Bookshop. I was one of the youngest people on cast. I was so amazed at being introduced to the theater. I remember looking up to the older kids and I gained a lot of knowledge from them. Not only was that show my first Encore show, it was my first anywhere show too! I think it’s awesome how at encore no matter your age, you are always learning. For example then I was learning where stage left is and now I’m learning more about things like timing and stage combat.

What skills have you gained in theater that will help you direct this production?

Because I’ve been able to work onstage, behind the scenes, and in front of the stage I believe what I’ve learned will definitely help me as a director. While rehearsing and pushing through long tech week hours I’ve learned what I like about rehearsal processes and what I don’t enjoy. Every director you will work with in the theater will have a certain distinctive style. As a 13 year old girl I definitely know my likes and dislikes. I will strive to do my best working with what I think would make me most successful, which I hope can transfer to you. I’d like to say that ive had many Encore experiences that will help me direct and lift this show higher.

In your own words can you tell us the story of Rainbow Fish and why you chose this play?

The Rainbow Fish tells the story of how a very arrogant fish becomes a humble swimmer. The Rainbow Fish is a gorgeous (and of course rainbow) and shiny fish, and he is well aware of his beauty and reminds everyone about his glamor. Other fish are awed by his presence but when they meet him and his cranky, self absorbed attitude, they quickly realize that beauty comes from within. Soon the Rainbow Fish realizes that it’s better to be kind. He goes on a search and then reaches his heart out to his neighbors. He apologizes for his past and is kind to the other sea creatures. He even demonstrates a big aspect of kindness : sharing. By sharing his most valuable items, his shiny scales. I chose this show because it teaches multiple life lessons and it’s good for a younger audience. It will also (hopefully) make you laugh.

Who are you presenting this production to and why is it important?

Regular mainstage Encore productions are usually shown to the community. The Rainbow Fish will also be shown to an elementary school extended day program. This is special to me because we are performing this production for kids who may not usually be able to see and experience theater. I also hope it can introduce Encore’s program to other families because Encore has most definitely changed my life in an amazing way. I want other kids and families to learn about this wonderful community.

What can our audience look forward to when they come to see the show?

If you are interested in seeing the show, for starters it would make me the happiest ever ;). At the show you should expect a quaint one act, one set show. It’s a family friendly show with laughs for anyone and everyone in the crowd.

Do you have tips for students at auditions?

I would be beyond delighted for you to audition. Here are some things I recommend for the most successful audition!

1. Be prepared: Come ready and with energy, make sure you’ve had a bite to eat and some water if possible.

2. Be in the best mindset possible: Stay positive and do your absolute best.

3. Stay focused as best as possible, the director wants to see how you work with others.

4. Act your best, I know this sounds kind of obvious but really, you should! Even if you mess up, do a movement wrong, flub a line, directors are more focused on how well you can act and project.

5. Have fun, enjoy yourself!

Thank you so much! I hope to see you auditioning on October 25! More information here:

Click here to sign up for an audition time slot today!

Photo credit: Cindy Kane Photography. Additional photos provided by Gabby Wilson.

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